- Lot DescriptionCleared, Level
- Lot Dimensions2
- Acres2
0 Chapel Road
Tullahoma, Tennessee 37388
0sq. ft.
This is a portion of the tax card attached. The property on the right side of curve is approx. 6.68 acres. Seller is dividing that parcel into 3 lots. 2 lots are approx. 2 acres and priced at 99,900 each and the third lot will be larger approx. 2.5 acres and is priced at 109,900. Seller has started survey and will complete once contract is on the lots. Buyer is responsible to perk the lot. Seller believes there will be no issues. Owner will split the perk test at closing if the lot closes. Seller will put some deed restrictions on the property. No mobile homes, no commercial animal business, must be single family dwelling attached (no campers). Size of lot is approx. tax will be determined at closing.
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