Leilani Boulware

Realtor®, Attorney, Community Leader

Leilani Boulware is a modern-day renaissance woman.

For more than 25 years, Leilani’s career has taken her from roles as Vanderbilt Law School student to trusted legal counsel in a leading Nashville law firm to senior executive roles in growing healthcare and academic medical institutions.  In those roles, she developed an expertise in contracting, negotiating, and complex problem-solving.

Over the last 20 years while serving as legal counsel to many companies, Leilani’s natural interests led her into home building, remodeling, and buying and selling many residential properties in Nashville.  Most recently, by following her passion for both the law and real estate, Leilani decided to marry her love for homes with her proven legal expertise in order to help others achieve their goal of making wise home decisions.

Recently joining one of Middle Tennessee’s most preeminent and successful firms, Fridrich and Clark Realty, Leilani is a member of the Richard Courtney team of Realtors who deliver buying and selling, wrap-around residential services for both personal living and investment properties while providing more resources, more information, and quicker response times.  Learn more about Richard Courtney.

Leilani’s goal is to help assure that her clients have the most stress-free home buying and selling experiences.  To achieve that objective, she offers:

  • Extensive knowledge of Nashville real estate market conditions and properties
  • Customized and focused plans of action advice for clients’ desired real estate objectives
  • Expertise in due diligence, contracting and negotiation
  • Home staging services for all listings
  • No-cost home warranties during the listing period
  • Advice regarding access to
    • specialized financing products
    • transition coordinators
    • home inspectors
    • various construction and landscaping contractors
    • structural engineers
    • designers
    • other needed support services

In her spare time, you can find Leilani volunteering her time and talents in the service to numerous community agencies in Middle Tennessee.  A mom to three adult children, Leilani lives in Nashville with her husband and their two adorable labradoodles.

Professional Associations

  • Member, National Association of REALTORS®
  • Member, Tennessee Realtors®
  • Member, Greater Nashville Realtors®
  • Tennessee Bar Foundation
  • Nashville Bar Association

Recent Community Leadership

  • YMCA of Middle Tennessee, Board Member, former Board Chairman
  • Leadership Nashville, Active Member, Class of 2003
  • Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee, Discretionary Grants and Scholarship Committees Member, former Board Member and Secretary to the Board of Directors
  • Nelson Andrews Leadership Center, former Board Chairman and Board Member
  • Brentwood Baptist Church, Member


  • Vanderbilt University Law School, Juris Doctor, Patricia Harris Roberts Fellow
  • Western Kentucky University, B.S. Accounting and Economics

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